What is a Project?
On this page
This section deals with the concept of “Projects” in Mattrbld, what they are, how to import and configure them, as well as more general topics like collaboration and synchronisation. In this article, you’ll get a broad overview about projects.
Unlike some other CMSs that are set up individually for every page or project, Mattrbld is meant to serve as a central hub for multiple different and independent projects you work on. And since Mattrbld can be used for more than just websites, it doesn’t seem fitting to call them “Sites” or “Pages”—hence the term “Projects”.
One goal of Mattrbld is to offer you a one-stop-shop for every content-management related task you’re working on in a single application, which is why you import your projects into Mattrbld instead of individually adding Mattrbld to your projects, although the end result is pretty much the same.
Technical Overview
From a technical perspective, every project you import into Mattrbld is a folder in the virtual file system, which contains the content of a single branch of that project’s Git repository. When editing and adding files, they are changed locally and then synchronised back to the central repository once you choose to do so.
In the future, it might become possible to switch between different branches of a project from within it, but for the time being one project always represents just a single branch from a specific origin.
If you’re interested more details on how Mattrbld works under the hood, check out the article on how it works.
The Home Screen
After you’ve completed the onboarding process, all the projects you imported under the current user will be shown on the home screen of Mattrbld, along with an option to import a new one. Here you’ll also find options to remove an already imported project, opening it in a new tab / window and jumping straight to its settings.
There are three main ways of importing projects so they show up on the home screen, which we will discuss in more detail in the next article.