Columns Field

Illustrated drawing of Amadeus Maxmimilian Stadler


Last updated August 28, 2021

The Columns field works almost exactly like the Rows field, except it displays the added row objects as columns instead.

Editing UI Widget

This field is displayed as a list of sub-fields labelled by its label. Depending on its configuration, there may or may not be a button to add additional columns to the field.

Output Format

The Columns field outputs either an array of objects or an array of a single type if it only has one type of column and that column is not a Field Group field. If multiple types of column are allowed, each object in the array will have a ___mb_type property holding the key of the sub-field it represents.


The following options are available for this field (default values shown):

  "allowEditing": true,
  "itemLabel": "Row"
  • allowEditing: controls whether or not Content Editors may add or remove column while editing content

  • itemLabel: the label to use in order to refer to a column


The following validation options are available for this field (default values shown):

  "max": null,
  "min": null,
  "unit": "columns"


This field’s functionality is identical to that of a Rows field, but in some cases it may be preferable to display dynamic content in the form of columns instead of rows. For example, a Columns field is a perfect fit for image galleries, or pricing tiers.

As opposed to a the rows of a Rows field, the columns of a columns field are always displayed in their compact form to avoid visual clutter. There will also never be more than three columns displayed in a single row to ensure that text remains readable.

If you are simply looking to display two fields next to each other without grouping them under a common key, you will want to use a Container field instead.

Keep in mind that like with Rows fields, adding fields that are visual only (i.e. have visualOnly set to true), including Container fields, as top-level children is not supported. They will not show up as addable types since they don’t contain content. If you find yourself wanting to add a Container at the top-level of a Columns field, use a Field Group instead.

Version History

  • Version at launch: 1

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