
Illustrated drawing of Amadeus Maxmimilian Stadler


Last updated February 17, 2023

Mattrbld is designed to be flexible so you can really mould it to your project’s needs. In this article you’ll learn about the general configuration options and where to find them, while later articles in this section will dive into more specific options such as the dashboard and sidebar.

Project Settings

After importing a brand new project that was not set up to work with Mattrbld beforehand, you will be taken straight to the project settings screen, which you can also reach at any time from the sidebar at the left hand side of the screen.

The project settings are only available to project members with an access level of “Developer” or higher. If you cannot see the the settings button at the bottom of the sidebar, you may not have the right access level. Please turn to a developer or owner of the project so they can adjust your access level for you, or make sure that you are using a local profile with the appropriate role.

This settings screen is broken up into multiple tabs that group different types of settings and configuration options under them. These tabs are ordered from left to right in a way that maps the natural configuration process of a typical Mattrbld project, but you are obviously not required to work through them in that order.

  • The General Settings tab houses general configuration options that affect the entire project. We will look at it in more detail below

  • The Schemas tab is the home of the Schemas you define for your project, which map the exact shape of your data to fields which can then be edited in Mattrbld. We will take a closer look at those in the Data Modelling section

  • The Collections tab contains all your different Collections of content and their related settings, which we will also discuss further in the Data Modelling section

  • The Custom Fields tab allows you to define custom fields for use in your Schemas, which again will be relevant once we talk about Data Modelling

  • The Sidebar and Dashboard tabs allow you to configure your project’s sidebar and dashboard as we will see in the next articles

  • In the Media Library tab you will find all the settings relating to media files such as images in your project as well as advanced configuration and validation options. These will be discussed in the Media Library section of this documentation

  • And last, but not least the Users tab is where you can invite collaborators into your project, change their roles and even define custom roles for them

General Settings

When you import a project, Mattrbld generates a unique thumbnail image for your project to show in the sidebar and on the home screen. It also uses the name of the repository to label it.

Project Thumbnail and Name

In the Project section of the General Settings tab you are able to change this thumbnail image and label to your liking, for example to make it more easily identifiable. Once you sync these changes, they will be applied for all members of the project.

Project thumbnails should ideally be JPEG images (ending with .jpg) with a resolution of 320x180px, but other formats and sizes will also work and be converted automatically. Use an aspect ratio of 16:9 for the best results.


The Drafts section allows you enable drafts globally for your project and to specify a folder in which to store draft content. If this option is activated, content editors will be able to save unfinished content as drafts and sync them between devices, while developers can easily configure their CI pipelines to not run when changes happen only in the specified drafts directory. To facilitate this, Mattrbld will generate two distinct push events if this option is active and draft content was added or modified.

You can learn more about drafts in the dedicated article on drafts.

Content Previews

If you enable content previews in this section and supply a valid preview URL, content editors will be able to get a live preview of their content as they edit it either straight from within Mattrbld or in a separate browser tab. This is a powerful feature, but requires specific configuration beyond enabling this option, so make sure to read up on it in the section on Previews.


The Internationalisation section allows you to enable the multi-language features of Mattrbld. Once enabled, you’ll be able to add a set of locales, the first of which will be considered the default language, as well as specify which style of quotation marks to use for each language. If this option is active, most fields in your Schemas will gain the option to be localised.

The dedicated article on multi-language content go into more details on this subject.

Slugify Options

As it is likely that you use some form of slugification in your project, Mattrbld exposes configuration options for its internal slugification library in the Slugify Options section so you can ensure that both Mattrbld and your build process generate the same slugs in links, etc.

“Slugification” describes the process of turning an arbitrary string of characters into a new string that is valid for the use in URLs and other situations with a limited set of characters, while at the same time remaining as human readable as possible. You might know it as a “clean URL”.

Mattrbld will also use these options while ensuring that names of files created within the application are safe and don’t contain illegal or international characters that could cause issues.

Brand Colours

Colour fields in Mattrbld have the ability to be restricted to specific palettes so you can ensure brand guidelines are being followed. While you can set up individual palettes for individual colour fields, the palette in the Brand Colours section allows you to define a global set of colours that is managed from one central location.

Use it for colours that should be universally available throughout your project.


At the moment, the Repository section provides read-only access to your project’s remote and branch but may in the future house options to manage remotes and branches.


For the time being, the Other section only houses the URL for the project specific CORS-proxy server that will be used during syncing operations if necessary.

Further Configuration

As you have just read, the General Settings tab provides you with most configuration options that affect the entire project and the features of Mattrbld to be used in that project. In the next articles we will take a look at how you can configure some more visual aspects of your projects such as the sidebar and the dashboard.

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