Slow Recovery
The path to recovery after tragedy is long and arduous, but life doesn’t pause to wait. Neither do deadlines. The show must go on, as people tend to say. Like I had announced in the last devlog, my full focus in the past two weeks has been on writing the theoretical part of my thesis. As such, nothing much has changed in Mattrbld itself, aside from a couple dependency upgrades.
I still wanted to write this update to keep up the habit and anyone interested informed about the current situation.
Status Quo
While dealing with things has made it really hard to focus, I’ve still managed to chip away at the theoretical part of my BA thesis little by little and am hoping to finish the first draft by tonight.
The paper aims to prove that building complex web applications such as Mattrbld is possible without having to rely on server-side functions beyond serving the initial assets. It highlights the benefits of such an approach and analyses the challenges that came up during the implementation of the application, while also aiming to provide possible solutions to these problems that could be applied to other such endeavours.
At the same time, it also provides some brief insights into the design and development process, as well as the motivation I personally had for building a content management system that runs predominantly on the client.
Up Next
I will talk about the draft to my professor on Tuesday to get their opinion on it and aim to finalise it as soon as possible. Depending on the requirements I might also have to spend some time getting it into a proper layout that would lend itself to being printed as a book, which would take up another chunk of time.
Aside from that, I really want to get Mattrbld online before the deadline in mid-October, so that’s what I will focus on after the theoretical part is done. If it is as easy as it seems (which it probably isn’t, but hope dies last, right?), I might even be able to flesh out the documentation more, otherwise that’ll have to wait until I can properly do so.
Once again, I apologise for such a short devlog and the lack of actual development updates. I’m slowly coming to terms with the situation and hoping that soon I’ll be back in a state where I can get back into my groove and make more progress. As usual, you can reach out over on Mastodon if you have any questions or comments and I’ll update you again in two weeks!